From SOJOURNER_CLIFF@Tandem.COM Wed Jan 5 16:43:59 1994 Date: 5 Jan 94 16:00:00 +1600 From: To: slough_list@treefort.Corp.Sun.COM Subject: latest sloughcrew address list attached... Content-Length: 4925 X-Lines: 173 Status: RO ------------ TEXT ATTACHMENT -------- SENT 01-05-94 FROM SOJOURNER_CLIFF Fleet total: 162 feet of ballasted sailboats + 84 feet of other boats (inflatables, dinghies, etc.) ----- 246 feet of boats total! ------------------------------------------------------- Darwin Boblet (Downwind, Darnweird, etc.) Pallas Athena Mailing address: 1111 W. El Camino 109-193 Sunnyvale, CA 94087-1057 (408) 435-6573 (Darwin work) (408) 435-6577 (Darwin work fax) (408) 282-5541 (Darwin pager) (408) 257-3604 (Darwin at Mary's house) (206) 659-0261 (Darwin's parents; dad is also named Darwin!) 011-61-89-xxx-xxxx (Darwin, Northern Territories, Australia) 211 (Refunds from public phone after calling Darwin) 411 (There are 2 Darwins in the SJ phone book) 611 (Service calls after calling Darwin) 911 (Darwin after Mary's done with him) Pearson 30 Pallas Athena (Phallus Obscena), sail #624 call sign WBK 2809 (whisky brandy kahlua 2809) El Toro sailing dinghy 8' Avon Redcrest inflatable boat 9' Sevylor inflatable boat 8' ------------------------------------------------------- Barb and Curt Braun (no mud names, yet!) 10198 Peninsula Monte Vista (?), CA (408) 253-1642 (home) (408) 447-0437 (Barb at work) ------------------------------------------------------- Charles Dillon (Upchuck, for lack of a better mud name) P. O. Box 6292 Chico, CA 95927-6292 10669 Hale Place Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 257-3604 (home) ------------------------------------------------------- Dudley (Mudley, commode-ore) Teresa (Toredo, Torpedo, etc.) Shayna (Shaymud) Ryan (Row'n, Ruin, etc.) 67 Los Trancos Road Portola Valley, CA 94028 (415) 851-7135 (home) (415) 688-9199 (Mudley work) (415) 725-0935 (Torpedo work) (415) 971-3952 (Mudley portable) $0.45/minute!!! (415) 990-7135 (Torpedo portable) $0.85/minute!!! Catalina 27 Invictus (Convictus, Vindictus, etc.), sail #6049, hull #4249 call sign WBP 5397 Achilles inflatable ------------------------------------------------------- Gregg Grettschlag (Grog, for lack of a better mud name) somewhere in Idaho GRETTSCHLAG@VAX.MICRON.COM ------------------------------------------------------- Yarema Hryciw (Yaremud) (Those people with the unpronounceable last name!) Romana Hryciw (?) 504 Arleta Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 (408) 998-1456 (home) (408) 944-7696 (Yarema work) (408) 865-8227 (Yarema pager) (415) 960-5632 (Romana work) (415) 960-5319 (Romana fax) HRYCIW_ROMANA/ Hunter 25 Treefort (Treefart, Treefrog), sail #62 call sign WBQ 4057 Inflatable ------------------------------------------------------- Gary Linnert (gnarlin) 650 Bair Island Rd. #15 Redwood City, CA 95063 (415) 366-9867 (boat) (415) 336-1217 (work) Benford 30, Grasshoppa - Hull #7 (black) tanbark(red) sails VHF call sign: WBR 5260 ------------------------------------------------------ Captain Morgan (Barbary Coast Yacht Club) Not Our Dock, Westpoint Slough Redwood City, CA capt_morgan@treefort.Corp.Sun.COM Wooden monstrosity with Wile E. Coyote ACME style outboard motor, known affectionately as Not Our Boat ------------------------------------------------------- Brad & Michelle Potts (no mud names) 816 Blaisdell Court San Jose, CA 95117 (408) 247-2198 (home) (408) 888-9764 (Brad portable) (408) 749-4510 (Brad work) Catalina 25 Eveready (Neverready, Durasmell), sail #3252 call sign WBS 2209 (Without Beer Sad 2209) ------------------------------------------------------- Mary Sauer (Mer, Mary Slougher) Lauren Phillips (LORAN) 10669 Hale Place Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 257-3604 (home) (415) 852-5990 (work) SAUER.MARY@SSVAX1.SSD.LORAL.COM Sevylor inflatable kayak, named Mosquito ------------------------------------------------------- Handzia Shuhevych 2261 Pine St. San Francisco CA 94115 (415) 673-2325 (home) (415) 749-4791 (work) (415) 871-7711 (Mikkal's boat/home (portable phone)) ------------------------------------------------------- Cliff Sojourner (C. L. Sloughjourner) Maddi Hausmann Sojourner (Muddi Houseboat) 1419 Franchere Place Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 737-9753 (home) (408) 285-4514 (Cliff work) (408) 285-3166 (Cliff fax at work) (408) 428-3553 (Maddi work) (408) 428-3732 (Maddi fax at work) Catalina 25 Integrity (Disintegraty, Inbedwithme, Insteadofme, Inebriety), sail #2411 call sign WAP 8880 (whisky anchor pabst 8880) 1' toy sloop, Bullet Montgomery 12, unnamed 16' aluminum canoe 2 sailboards (10.5' and 12') 2 inflatables cutout plywood in the garage for a rowboat -------------------------------------------------------